Wednesday 21 November 2012

Matthias Schoenaerts

It seems Hollywood is discovering what we have known for quite some time in Belgium, Matthias Schoenaerts has got talent. 
The hottest new kid on the Hollywood block also received Anna Wintour’s seal of approval.  Schoenaerts pairs up with top model Carolyn Murphy in a Mario Testino shot editorial for Vogue’s December issue.

To see the full Vogue shoot go to: Vogue Carolyn Murpy & Matthias Schoenaerts

A couple of his films you should run out to see:
The first movie I remember him from is the 2003 cult movie ‘Any Way the Wind Blows’, the director debut of Tom Barman, frontman of the rock band dEUS. Following the lives of several characters on one hot June day in Antwerp, the movie takes you along an almost random string of events and atmospheric shots. An ode to the everyday made strong by its exceptionally good sound track.

The 2008 thriller ‘Loft’ by Erik van Looy, took the Belgian cinemas by storm.  Schoenaerts plays Filip, one of the five men to invest in the secret ‘Loft’ used for their extramarital affairs until a girl is found dead in the bed. A Hollywood production of the movie is to be released in April 2013. Schoenaerts is the only Belgian actor taking on a role in this remake.
In 2011, Michael R. Roskam’s 'Bullhead', or Rundskop in its original Flemish, really put Schoenaerts even more on the international radar. Not only was the movie featured in several international film festivals, it also received the Oscar nomination in 2012 in the category ‘Best Foreign Language Film of the Year’.
Currently, you can see Schoenaerts’ performance in Jacques Audiard’s 'Rust and Bone' where he plays next to Marion Cotillard. This out-of-the-ordinary love story lingers on and shakes you after having seen it. Both actors deliver strong performances of their complex characters. But even though Schoenaerts manages to bring full depth to his character and is able to reveal his layers one by one like when you peal an onion and gradually get more teary eyed the more you go to the centre, it is Cotillard’s performance that will blow you away.

Look out for Schoenaerts in the 2013 releases:

'Blood Ties' with Mila Kunis, Marion Cotillard, Zoe Saldana and Clive Owen
'The Loft' with Isabel Lucas, Wentworth Miller and James Marsden

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